Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

Kisah Kidup Pegawai Pabrik

kisah-kisah kehidupan sehari-hari yang dialami oleh pegawai pabrik,...percampuran antara kenyataan dan fiksi, yang mana yang ngarang yang mana yang bener itu rahasia,..huehehehe

Bos : anak baru biasa belum tau banyak,..nanti saya ajari dikit-dikit. Yang penting ada kemauan
pegawai baru: baik pak, saya akan berusaha.
bos: bagus,..bagus..( sambil menepuk-nepuk pundak si anak baru)
------2 minggu kemudian
pegawai baru : pak, mengenai edukasi saya gimana yah,...
Bos: oiyah,...yaudah belajar yang kemarin yah,..sampai bisa,..ok yah, saya meeting dulu
pegawai baru: (dalam hati: zwiiiiiiing,...yang kemarin yang mana yah??????)
------2 bulan kemudian
bos: kamu gimana kok bisa salah metodenya,..ini produk baru harus pakai standard baru juga,..
pegawai baru: maaf pak,..saya belum mengerti pak, belum pernah diinfo tentang ini
bos: yang rajin donk, belajar terus biar kemampuan kita meningkat,..bla bla bla....
pegawai baru : .......................................................................................

Bos: A,B bisa ke meja saya sebentar
Pegawai A,B: baik pak
Bos:produk baru ini butuh data spesifikasi, dan working instruction tolong dikerjakan sekarang yah.
Pegawai A,B:baik pak,...(mengambil ancang-ancang kembali ke tempat duduk)
Bos: oiyah, 1 hal lagi...tolong data-datanya diberikan kesaya 1 jam lagi yah, sudah ditunggu pak direktur
(sambil pergi berlalu keluar....)
Pegawai A: baik pak....(menjawab dengan penuh keyakinan)
Pegawai B: kalau satu jam belum selesai pak, karena ini...........(sambil melongo)
Pegawai B: bapak memang keren bisa menyelesaikan dalam 1 jam, caranya gimana yah? nanti ajari saya ya pak
Pegawai A: loh,...yang mengerjakan ini kamu, kalau sudah nanti info kesaya yah,..saya lagi sibuk
Pegawai B: .....(jetlag sebentar.....apa????).....saya g ada data sama sekali pak,inikan butuh,....
Pegawai A: coba cari aja yah, berinisiatif dikit,...satu jam lagi yah..(ikutan ngacir entah kemana)...
Pegawai A: dong dororong dong dong......

Senior1: tadi ada vendor nanya ke gw, pcb yg dipakai di tempat kita berapa layer?
gw jawab aja 1 layer,...emang kita pake berapa layer sih?
Senior2: ya setau gw sih 1 layer, nih gw ada contohnya
Senior1: tukan, si vendor itu kok g percaya ma gw
Junior yang daritadi gemes denger percakapan 2 seniornya langsung ikut nimbrung
Junior: klo setau saya pak, kita pake 4 layer biasanya, bahkan ada yang 6 layer...
kalau yang 1 layer cuma bagian tertentu, tapi paling enggak ya 2 pak,..
Senior1: hooo,..masa sih (nglirik ke senior2)
junior: tu yang dipegang bapak 4 layer (contoh yg dibawa senior2)
Senior2: hm,..iya bener, kita pake segitu pak, 4 layer
junior: .............zzzzzzzzzzzzzz................
Senior1 : hooo,..salah dunk gw ngasih tau ke tu vendor
junior: du du du du.........
(LU KATE KITA NI KUMPULAN ANAK SMA , yang lagi blajar buat PCB 1 layer,....hhhhhhhhhhhh)

Senin, 07 November 2011

my farewell letter-- see you next time everyone

Farewell letter, PT.Samsung Electronics Indonesia, last day working.
Akhirnya tiba saat untuk menulis farewell letter ini....setelah belasan atau puluhan kali membaca surat sejenis dari para pendahulu hiks,...mulai deh mellow nya....

Jadi, mulai tanggal 9 November 2011 insya Alloh rosma akan pulang ke jogja. pergi dari cikarang yang telah 1 tahun 8 bulan ini jadi tempat bobok, maem, main, oiyah tempat kerja :D :D. Rencana ini bukan mendadak, dan bukanlah suatu rencana bodoh atau gila. Jadi kepulangan ke Jogja mempunyai banyak tujuan, yang paling penting adalah untuk menyegarkan pikiran dan menemukan kembali apa yang sebenernya mau dicari di hidup ini, yang sempat dikaburkan oleh kepadatan jam kerja disini (*hayaah,..sok serius). Sebagai remaja yang beranjak dewasa, tentu saya masih memiliki idealisme yang masih cukup kental, secara baru 2 tahun lulus kuliah, dan insya Alloh apa yang selama ini saya jadikan prinsip hidup yang baik, tidak akan luntur hanya karena materi...tetap berusaha jujur dan bekerja dengan penuh semangat, berpendirian dan memegang nilai-nilai kebaikan,...itu saja,...
Tapi,..beraaaaat rasanya, ketika segala keadaan memaksa saya untuk melepaskan semua itu, sedih dan kecewa pastinya. Dan tangan rosma yang kecil ini belum sanggup untuk mengubah hal-hal menjadi seperti yang ada di benak rosma, sehingga akan lebih baik untuk pergi dan kembali belajar, supaya tidak ikut hanyut dalam keadaan yang tidak sesuai dengan idealisme ini.
Anyway,..rosma mohon dimaafkan segala kesalahan baik yang disengaja ataupun yang tidak,..dimaafkan yaaaah.
Banyak-banyak terima kasih rosma untuk semuanya, maaf kalau ada yang belum tersebutkan...

Mr.Nam Gi Tai : terima kasih banyak atas bimbingannya, maafkan rosma tidak bisa bekerja lama di SEIN.
Pak Risman: sejak masa KP tahun 2008 sampai sekarang, terima kasih atas bimbingannya ya pak,..maafkan salah-salah rosma.
mbak Wina: huaaaaa,...akhirnya harus berpisah,...udah bersama-sama sejak awal masuk, ampe kita dibuang kemana-mana ( kepojokan, ke bawah, ke gedung lain,..) hehehe,..peluuuuk,...sehat-sehat yah,..semoga lahiran si dedek lancar, jangan lupa mampir ke jogja yaaaaaaaaah..:* :* :* maafin klo aku suka nakal :D :D
Mbak Sri Kum: mbak Sriii,...berkuranglah satu orang yang mencari-cari makanan di lacimu,..hehehe,...maafkan rosma cantik ya mbak, kalau banyak nakal dan salah,...
Mbak Novita: g sempet pamiit ketemu niiii,...betah kayaknya di korea,..duluan ya mbak^^
Elisa: lisaa,..aku duluan yaaah,..padahal klub karaoke kita baru terbentuk,...hiks hiks,..sukses ya buuu
Ica : kapan ni undangannya ca,...hehehe,..sibuk amet ih ampe g jualan lagi,..
Mas Ipul: aku duluaaaaaaan,....kapan dikau menyusul,...kabar2i yak,...sukses buat karirnya
Mas Nurman: sibuk banget sekarang,..hehehe,...sukses ya mas kerjanya,..
Arfi: sejak di PE sibuk teruuuussss,..good luck buat karirnya
Pak Bagus & Pak Kus: Bapak-bapak ini rajin amet sih kerjanya,...saya pamit duluan ngih pak,..
Pak Ardi & mas Trisula: selamat atas kelahiran baby nyaaa,...semoga sukses juga di kerjaan
Andy: duluaaan ya ndi,...kayaknya mulai betah ni di SEIN hehehe,..sukses yah
Sisko & mas Egy: kita belum karaokean lagi yaaaah :( :(,..btw,..udah kemana aja nih,..semoga dapet yang terbaik yah..
Mada & pak Lili: duluan yah bapak-bapak,...maaf kalau banyak salah
Untuk PBX team ( pak Winoto, pak Nurman, Dimas, Ujang) : terima kasih atas semuanya, dan mohon dimaafkan segala kesalahan dan khilaf saya,...sukses selalu buat semuanya.
Rangga: baik-baik yah ama emaknya, jangan nakal,...huehehe,..sukses yak, oiyah follow twitter gw yah @Rosma_Chan :p :p :p
Mas Hasan & mas Shodiq: semoga kelahirannya baby nya lancar,...
mas Jo: cieee yang langsing,..hehehe
mbak Erni: duluan ya mbak,..hehehe
Semua PE: maafkan kalau rosma banyak salah,...semoga semua sehat selalu dan sukses yah,...

*R&D System
Mas Vian: duluan ya mas,...semoga sehat selalu dan bahagia sama mbak Vina
Mas Hendra: ihiiiiiiirrr,..kapan menikah ni,...hehehe, sukses ya mas
Pak Utomo: saya duluan pak Utomo,..maaf kalau banyak salah
Mas Eko: cie cieeee,...semoga bahagia dan cepet punya momongan ( eh udah belum mas)
Mas Aris: Selamat buat dedeknya yang cantik,...rosma pamit dulu...
Mas Ivan: Aku duluaaaaaan,..hehehe,...maaf yah kalau rosma cantik banyak salah :D :D

Mbak Umi: mbaaak,..ternyata aku duluan yang harus pergi dari sini,..sukses ya mbak
Mbak Dwiva: hi tetangga sebelah kamar,...mulai kamis, sepi loh,...aku kan dah pulang,..duluan yaah,..sukses buat karir dan jodohnya
Suaminya mbak Wina: duluan ya om,..titip istrinya (*loh...) hehehe,..maaf kalau suka ngatain gendut,..xixixiiii

Semua System Crew: terima kasih buat semuanya, meskipun hanya 1 tahun di sana,...sukses buat semuanya

*PBX all
Pak Godang, Pak Aryudhono, Trimus, Aulya, Yuki: terima kasih atas bantuannya selama ini,..maafkan kalau banyak salah,..
Pak Novi, Pak Ahmad Rizal, Erwin: terima kasih sudah dibantu masalah QA dan OQC PBX dari dahulu kala,..hehehe
Pak Zaki: saya pamiit,...g pindah ke IQC kok :D :D
Lina, Oktira: makasih yah kalian berdua, udah mensupport di PBX,..waaah,..banyak cerita sejak awal kalian masuk ampe sekarang,..hiks hiks jadi sedih

mbak Olive
: makasih ya mbak,..udah dibantu waktu awal2 masuk dulu,..yang masih g ngerti apa2,..salam buat baby nya
mbak Amaliah: udah g request dokumen lagi ni mbak,makasih sudah terus dibantu..hehehe
Pak Badrun: yang tugas SOP PBX bukan saya lagi pak,..^^
Madam koner: udah g ketemu di meeting SOP lagi ya kita
Mbak Rima & bu Devi : ibu-ibu,..saya pamit mau pulang ke rumah,..maaf kalau ada salah
Depe: semoga lancar lahiran anaknya yah
Ronald: gw duluan ya nal,..tinggal lo sendirian deh,..sukses selalu
mbak Irma: mbaaaak,..duluan yaaaah,..semoga sukses semua2nya
Susaf: duluan yak,...kapan undanganmu menyebar,..hehehe
Pak Mega & mas Nasir: pamit ya bapak-bapak,..terima kasih atas bimbingannya sejak KP dulu ampe udah jadi karyawan disini
mas Darmo: makasih atas bantuannya dari dulu waktu awal2 masuk,,.masih culun,...hehehe maaf kalau banyak salah, sukses selalu yah

Pokoknya buat semuanyaaaaaaaaaaaa: honto ni arigatou gozaimashita,...:( :( sedih yah ternyata

*Untuk seseorang disana:
maaf yah,..aku pulang duluan ke Jogja,..terima kasih udah jadi tempat keluh kesahku dan penyemangatku juga,...semangat yah kerjanya, semoga cita-cita dan harapannya segera terwujud,..:* :* :*

dan akhirnya, Rosma harus pamit, sekali lagi terima kasih atas semuanya dan maafkan segala kesalahan rosma yah,....
hm,...cocoknya kita dengerin lagu " leavin on a jetplane", lyric nya ni:
*)beneran sedih ternyata nulis ini...
**)abis ngasih lyric lagu ini malah mewek :(( :((

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go
I'm standing here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye
But the dawn is breaking, it's early morn
The taxi's waiting, he's blowin' his horn
Already I'm so lonesome I could die

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go
'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
Don't know when I'll be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go

There's so many times I've let you down
So many times I've played around
I tell you now, they don't mean a thing
Every place I go, I'll think of you
Every song I sing, I'll sing for you
When I come back I'll bring your wedding ring

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go
'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
Don't know when I'll be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go

Now the time has come to leave you
One more time, let me kiss you
Then close your eyes and I'll be on my way
Dream about the days to come
When I won't have to leave alone
About the times I won't have to say

Kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go
'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
Don't know when I'll be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go
I'm leaving on a jet plane
Don't know when I'll be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go

Rata Penuhお疲れ様です....どうも有り難う御座います.....

Minggu, 06 November 2011

Kelly Clarkson ^^

Kelly Clarkson lyrics, my life would suck without you

Kelly's way of broken heart,..yeah I would like to write about Kelly Clarkson one of my favorite singer. And let's just begin,....

Recently I love to hear 'my life would suck without you'. This song tell about a broken heart person who regret about what happened in the past. Essentially, when couple are come along together always argue, fight etc. But after break up, they will regret and miss each other. This isn't the first time Kelly sing a broken heart's song. She's first single 'Since you been gone' also told about the same story.
Anyway, what makes me think that Kelly Clarkson is special, she can bring the song with a different way. if you aren't a native, and listen to the song maybe you will never know that the song tell about a sad story. Both 'since you been gone' and 'my life would suck without you' has a relatively similar music. Kelly sing that song with relaxing style and always smile. You can try to listen it..
So maybe she want to tell us that even in the sad situation, we have to strong and keep smiling :) :)...
and this is song of the day:
my life would suck without you lyric

Guess this means you're sorry, you're standing at my door
Guess this means you take back, all you said before
Like how much you wanted, anyone but me
Said you'd never come back, but here you are again

'Cause we belong together now, yeah
Forever united here somehow, yeah
You got a piece of me, and honestly
My life, would suck, without you

Maybe I was stupid, for telling you goodbye
Maybe I was wrong for, trying to pick a fight

I know that I've got issues, but you're pretty messed up too
Either way I've found out, I'm nothing without you

'Cause we belong together now, yeah
Forever united here somehow, yeah
You got a piece of me, and honestly
My life, would suck, without you

Being with you, is so dysfunctional
I really shouldn't miss you, but I can't let you go, oh yeah

'Cause we belong together now, yeah
Forever united here somehow, yeah
You got a piece of me, and honestly
My life, would suck, without you

'Cause we belong together now, yeah
Forever united here somehow, yeah
You got a piece of me, and honestly
My life, would suck, without you

Jumat, 04 November 2011

Fasting on the Day Arafah--before Eid ul-adha

Today is the day of Arafah, Dhulhijjah (last month in Islamic calender) 9th 1432 H just one day before Eid ul-adha. All the people who attend Hajj pilgrim are gather on the plain of Arafah, they will spend a whole day to pray. For those who do not participate hajj pilgrim are suggested to do this fasting. Because this fasting can wipe sins of both last year or next year. Abu Hafsah, may Allâh be pleased with him, reported that the Prophet, upon whom be peace, said:

"Fasting on the day of Arafah absolves the sins for two years, the previous year and the coming year, and fasting on Ashura atones for the sins of the previous years." [reported by all except Al bukhari and Tirmidhi]

What s great advantage of today's fasting, but today I can't attend this fasting (sigh....)
Anyway, just like what I wrote in the beginning, about Eid ul-adha. Tomorrow (Dhulhijjah 10th) will be a festivity the end of Hajj and memorizing day of Prophet Ibrahim sacrifice willingness. So, long ago our prophet Ibrahim was examined by Alloh (God). Alloh ordered him to sacrifice Prophet Ismail ( his son), and after made a hard decision and got support from prophet Ismail also, he was going to do that task. And before he did it, God sent an angel to replace prophet Ismail with a ram. Nowadays, we are going to memorize those event, which gives us a lot of example of strong believe and faith in Alloh. We are also suggested to sacrifice cattle with sincere and share the meat to the pauper.
So, be prepared everybody for tomorrow celebration. May Alloh wipe all of our sins, and accept our sacrifice. Amiin...

happy fasting to all of you,..and of course for you dear :*

Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

another difficult decision ^^

October 19th, 2011 Another important decision has been made. Just right now, I choose to step out from my comfort zone. I will face another kind of life, new challenge, new hope and of course new adventure. Its so difficult thing to do, I'm so sorry Director..... I don't even think to let you down, but I can't stand with it anymore. Its not because of you or another people, but its all about me, I feel that I have to go. I'm not run away and just hide, but I choose to take another risk. And I'm sure that i'll survive and succeed.
Honestly, I'm so glad having boss just like my current Director. thank you so much for all your understanding, among your activity you are always have a time to take care of us. I hope you understand about my decision, someday I'll show you that I choose the right way.
Huuuffff,...I never thought that it will be so difficult and so sadden,...what a life....

Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011

mr.Children \(^0^)/ \(^0^)/ \(^0^)/

Mr.Children, Toys factory, Supermarket fantasy, gift lyric

Ye ye ye finally I'm writing about my favorit band ever. And this is it,...Mr.Children (ミスターチルドレン), but sometimes they called as misuchiru. I heard their song 'Hero' for the first time in Fukuoka, 3 years ago. It's just only took a couple minutes to decide that i loved that song. And my favorit song goes to 'Sign',...honestly when I heard that song initially, I didn't even understand the meaning, but the melody really touched my heart and I felt that the Sakurai sang with was also the song that I always heard before I leave Japan, moreover I sang that song during my travel to Fukuoka airport,..a lot of memory within^^
First album and the only album that I had is Supermarket Fantasy, given by my best best friend 'Mika',..thank you mika, indeed miss you :* :*
Anyway, mr.Children formed in 1988 (hm,...I was only 1 years old -_-'), contain of Kazutoshi Sakurai (leader and vocal) , Kenichi Tahara (guitar) , Keisuke Nakagawa (Bass), and Hideya Suzuki (Drums). Almost mr.children's song wrote by Sakurai-san, I thought that he was the real genius artist. As I know, they already sold more than 50million albums under Toy's Factory Labels, and become one of the best band ever in Japan. Some of their song, contain a great piano melody. And it was Takeshi Kobayashi who played a keyboard or piano.
Well,..I hope one day I can go back to Japan and watch their live performance,...yeiiiii
And I choose 'Gift' as the song for today, a lot spirit within this song,...Happy Monday everyone^^

what is the most prettiest color ?
I wonder what shines the brightest?
I searched for the greatest gift to give you
While imagining how happy you would be

You say, “I want to discover my true self”
You say, “I want to know why I was born”
But I hope that when you take the gift from my hands
Your questions will be answered, I wonder if you’ll take it?

I’ve wanted to give it to you for a long time
And I’ve held onto it so tightly
That it’s been ruined and the color has changed completely
You can’t even call it pretty anymore

“Answer in black and white terms”
That difficult problem is thrust at us
Becoming a brick wall we run into
We’re still stuck in front of it, still lost and confused
But between black and white
There is an infinite color that grows
I searched for the color that suits you and gave it a gentle name
Hey, I’m sending you
The prettiest color now

Even if you make it past the horizon
The only thing you’ll find is another one
I ask my heart, “Should I stop here?”
And hear it reply, “I want to keep on walking”

Before I knew it I had more baggage to carry
But somehow I’ve been able to bear with it
So I can carry yours for you, so please stay with me
With you by my side my heart feels lighter

At the end of the endless journey
Who will be the “chosen one?”
Even if it doesn’t end up being me
I’ll still keep on running, keep on running
The reason shade exists
Is because of the pouring sunlight
All of it holds meaning
And they compliment each other
So no matter where you are
You can feel the light

I’m sending my gift to you now, will you like it? Please take it
I was able to find it because you were with me
And I’m the one who should be thanking you

I wonder what the prettiest color is?
I wonder what shines the brightest?
I will embrace the gift that you gave me
Deep in my heart forever
Hey, it’s shining now
It’s always going to shine

Ichiban kirei na iro tte nan darou?
Ichiban hikatteru mono tte nan darou?
Boku wa sagashite ita saikou no GIFT wo
Kimi ga yorokonda sugata wo IMEEJI shi nagara

“Hontou no jibun” wo mitsuketa itte iu kedo
“Umareta imi” wo shiritai tte iu kedo
Boku no ryoute ga sore wo watasu toki
Futo nazo ga tokeru to ii na
Uketottekureru ka na

Nagai aida kimi ni watashitakute
Tsuyoku nigirishimete ita kara
Mou gujaguja ni natte
Iro wa kawari hate
Oseji ni mo kirei to wa ie nai kedo

“Shiroka kuro de kotaero” to iu
Nandai wo tsuki tsukerare
Buchi atatta kabe no mae de
Bokura wa mata mayotte iru
Mayotteru kedo
Shiro to kuro no sono aida ni
Mugen no iro ga hirogatteru
Kimi ni niau iro sagashite
Yasashii namae wo tsuketa nara
Hora ichiban kirei na iro
Ima kimi ni okuru yo

Chiheisen no saki ni tadoritsuite mo
Atarashii chiheisen ga hirogaru dake
“Mou yame ni shiyou ka?”
Jibun no mune ni kiku to
“Mada aruki tsuduketai”
to henji ga kikoeta yo

Shiranu ma ni fuete itta nimotsu mo
Mada nan to ka seotte ikeru kara
Kimi no bun made motsu yo
Dakara soba ni ite yo
Sore dakede kokoro wa karuku naru

Hate shi nai tabiji no hate ni
“Erabareru mono” to wa dare?
Tatoe boku ja nakutatte
Sore demo mata hashitte yuku
Hashitte yuku yo
Furi sosogu hizashi ga atte
Dakara koso hikage mo atte
Sono subete ga imi wo motte
Tagai wo tataete iru no nara
Mou donna basho ni ite mo
Hikari wo kanjireru yo

Ima kimi ni okuru yo
Ki ni iru ka naa? Uketotte yo
Kimi to dakara sagaseta yo
Boku no hou koso arigatou

Ichiban kirei na iro tte nan darou?
Ichiban hikatteru mono tte nan darou?
Boku wa dakishimeru
Kimi ga kureta GIFT wo
Itsumademo mune no oku de
Hora hikatterun da yo
Hikari tsuduken da yo

The Video link from youtube:

happy watching^^

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

Bakmi Kadin Jogja,....YUmmy

Lahir dan menghabiskan sebagian besar waktu di JOgja, tapi baru diusia ke-23 tahun akhirnya saya mengenal yang namanya Bakmi Kadin,...hehehehe. Yang penting udah pernah makan :P.

Bakmi Kadin berdiri sejak tahun 1947 (emeeeejiiiing...) dan berlokasi di Jalan Bintaran Kulon, Jogjakarta. Kalau kebingungan, bisa bertanya ke bapak-bapak tukang becak atau taxi,...^^
Nah, Bakmi Kadin sebenarnya hanyalah seperti bakmi jowo biasa, yang bisa kita jumpa di banyak tempat. Bagi yang bertempat tinggal di jogja dan sekitarnya pasti tau banget dengan yang namanya mi tek tek yang suka keliling dimalam hari,...nah bakmi kadin itu tempat makan yang seperti mengumpulkan beberapa gerobak mi tek tek disatu tempat (bisa dibayangkan kan yah -_-"). Bakmi kadin ini populer karena konon kabarnya mantan Presiden Soeharto sering makan disana. Pengunjungnya ramaaaaaiiiiii, tapi jangan takut atau khawatir akan lama menunggu pesanan, seperti yang sudah disebutkan terdapat beberapa gerobak dengan masing-masing koki yang tak henti-hentinya memasak pesanan. Oiyah, banyak bule-bule yang makan disitu juga,..mungkin mereka juga penasaran seperti saya^^. Hal lain yang membuat tempat makan ini unik adalah adanya kelompok musik jawa yang terus-terusan bernyanyi, yang menambah kental suasana jogja-nya. Kita bisa request lagu juga loh, dan yang pasti tidak ada kewajiban untuk memberi uang tip atau apapun, tapi biasanya pengunjung terhibur dan dengan sendirinya akan membagi rizki untuk mereka.
Kembali ke kisah bakmi nya, terdapat 3 jenis makanan yang bisa dipilih disana yaitu mie godhok, mie goreng dan nasi goreng. Untuk minuman, selain bajigur lain masih standar, seperti es teh manis, es jeruk, jeruk anget, dll. Gambar yang diatas adalah mi godhok yang sudah saya cicipi sedikit^^. Kalau soal rasa, hm......tentu saja enak :D (enak standar bakmi jowo pada umumnya,....bingung yah???).
Untuk harga ni yah,...1 porsinya sekitar 13000 IDR. memang cukup mahal untuk ukuran jogja,... apalagi mahasiswa :'(
Nah, lain halnya jika kita ingin benar-benar menginginkan makan ditempat yang nyaman dan klasik apalagi yang sedang nostalgia mengenang masa-masa dulu, pasti harga bukan menjadi masalah bukan...

Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

This is my WorkPLace^^

It has been a long time since my last typing. And this is it,.....New experience of my life has just begin (uhm,...not really just begin, although at least I think so,..ooowwhh..whatever :S). Now I'm working on PT.Samsung Electronics Indonesia, part of Samsung global as an Engineer, anyong haseo....No doubt that this is one of a big company in this world, and I'm part of it :">. I have spent 1 year and 8 months here (emeeeejjjjiiiiiiinggggg :D). I stay in my office from 8am-8pm, monday-friday/saturday wow.. sometimes I feel so bored, and really wanna quit.
I do miss my college phase, be an adult is not so easy as I ever imagine before...BUt,..this is life, there's no use looking back or regretting.
Anyway, you know what.....there's a fundamental different between work and school. Well, works mean that there's no more teacher or lecturer who cares about you, success or fail it's our own responsibility, every one compete to be the best, no excuse for delaying task cause it's all about business and its all about the money...But, Thanks God I get friends and good Director here... And of course, I'm so glad 'coz I met someone special here :">
Ok then,...I will enjoy my time here and treasure each episode of this journey....and I choose for today's song: 'Firework, from Katy Perry ^^.....Happy Saturday \(^0^)/

Do you ever feel like a plastic bag
Drifting throught the wind
Wanting to start again

Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin
Like a house of cards
One blow from caving in

Do you ever feel already buried deep
Six feet under scream
But no one seems to hear a thing

Do you know that there's still a chance for you
Cause there's a spark in you

You just gotta ignite the light
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July

Cause baby you're a firework
Come on show 'em what your worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Baby you're a firework
Come on let your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
You're gunna leave 'em fallin' down-own-own
